2018年3月1日 星期四




自2004-2010年之間發展至今計有鹿角溪、城林、打鳥埤、浮洲、新海(一至三期) 、以及華江等8處人工濕地,及另亦建構了鶯歌、三峽、浮洲等3處礫間水質淨化系統,儼然成為國內最大規模的河廊清水工程,除對改善大漢溪水質具有相當效益外,更是孕育濕地文化的重要生態場域。




Since Sinhai artificial phase I wetland was built at 2004, the view of river bank becomes more beautiful, it is changed from being overgrown with weeds into being spread out like stars and chess pieces with many small ponds. Until now, there are 8 artificial wetlands: Lujiao RiverChenglinDaniaopiFujhouSinhai (Phase 1 to 3 construction) & Huajiang. Also included 3 gravel contact oxidation treatment sites: YinggeSanxia and Fuzhou. The total area is over 130 hectare and is the largest river corridor in Taiwan.

In order to guide people to know the stories of upper, middle and lower streams of the Da-Han-Shi river, to learn the history of artificial wetlands, to cherish the outcomes of water quality improvement, to encourage you to join the works with us, and to use wetland material for environmental education Therefore, we have the Wetland Story House in Banqiao 435 art zone. There are wetland simulation which includes ecological tanks and pictures, interactive multimedia guide system and river corridor scenarios in the Wetland Story House and you can deeply experience environmental education and build up the platform of multi-participation and learning.




除了"基隆港","田寮洋"也是拍老鷹(黑鳶)的好地方,很過癮! "田寮洋"位於貢寮與福隆間鐵軌兩側的水稻田, 是雙溪河下游最重要的洪水平原。